
I will check and see what happens there. You can also open an issue on siremis bug tracker:

  * https://github.com/asipto/siremis/issues


On 19.02.20 21:42, Bugaian A. Vitalie wrote:
Hi list,

there is an issue in latest git version of Siremis with showing sip method content.

If I select it from mysql I see it all good:

 select * from sip_trace where method = 'INVITE';

If I click it from web interface and select needed method I get only first register from sip_trace table.

You can reproduce by /siremis/sipadmin/sip_trace_list then click on the method to see
details. I tested on opera and chrome. Same result, something wrong with javascript, its not passing correctly parameter for selecting.

Please have a look let me know if I can help.

Thanks. Regards

Vitalie A. Bugaian

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