Dmitri wrote:
There should be
#directory for the core dump files
in previous message, I made a mistake when composed message
08.02.2010 15:48, Dmitri пишет:
> Hi Klaus,
> Yes, it is permanent error. And I enabled core dumping in
> /etc/default/kamailio and specified location in init script,
> but core was not generated....
> if test "$DUMP_CORE" = "yes" ; then
> # set proper ulimit
> ulimit -c unlimited
I don't know it this applies to you but also check the following:
1. You have enough space in the partition where $COREDIR is created
2. Check that the user that runs kamailio (usually openser) has read
write access on that directory
Also if you grep for core in the /var/log/ directory I believe that
there might be some lines either in dmesg or in messages that tell you
if a core was created or not.
Hope what I said is not redundant and it helps.