Hi all,
What is the best for ACCOUNTING ?
I have to compile ACC module with MySQL support or RADIUS support ?
Best Regards
Nicolas RUIZ
-----Message d'origine----- De : Jiri Kuthan [mailto:jiri@iptel.org] Envoye : mercredi 23 mars 2005 21:24 A : Java Rockx; marian.dumitru@voice-sistem.ro Cc : serusers@lists.iptel.org; Nicolas Ruiz Objet : Re: [Serusers] Re: Another Question ! Help a young man
At 07:31 PM 3/23/2005, Java Rockx wrote:
Yes, but only when dialing SIP->PSTN
Dialing PSTN->SIP or SIP->SIP will require the UAC to support
Not entirely -- what it takes is >=1 UAs with support for ST.
If a gateway supports it, both SIP->PSTN and PSTN->SIP will work.
SIP->SIP will work only of the same condition occurs: either UA supports ST.