using DEBUG with LCR module to see how the module apply the rules, I see he use Gateway Index in the list. The Gateway Index could be different to Gateway ID and maybe can confuse the correct interpretation about the use of the rules.
Is it possible change the code:
matched_gws[gw_index].gw_index = t->gw_index; matched_gws[gw_index].rule_id = rule->rule_id; matched_gws[gw_index].prefix_len = pl->prefix_len; matched_gws[gw_index].priority = t->priority; matched_gws[gw_index].weight = t->weight * (kam_rand() >> 8); matched_gws[gw_index].duplicate = 0; LM_DBG("added matched_gws[%d]=[%u %u, %u, %u, %u]\n", gw_index, t->gw_index, pl->prefix_len, t->priority, matched_gws[gw_index].weight);
to use gateway ID and not gateway Index?
Thank you