if the device is behind nat router, you have to do the nat traversal
logic, because the Via header will be a private IP address, which cannot
be used for routing by Kamailio.
To troubleshoot further, set debug=3 in kamailio.cfg and test again.
Grab all log messages printed by kamailio in syslog (there should be a
lot with DEBUG:...) and send them here. Also, get the pcap file with sip
traffic for such case. It helps seeing what addresses are in the SIP
Moreover, remove all those " == false ", as I said in the github issue,
that can be something not giving what you would expect.
On 05.04.20 07:15, fuxfwgc4a2i1gr wrote:
Hi, Thanks for your solution.
I tried to use it from early beginning and this is was a reason why i
created bug report on github.
When i start tcpdump on proxy. I see 404 reply from REGISTRAR to
Proxy. But not see reply from Proxy to UA.
Look like that Kamailio don`t think that 404 reply is a part of
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