HI ,


How do I find out which udp ports my kamailio server is using. In Kamailio.cfg I am using socket like below.


#!ifdef WITH_NAT

# ----- rtpproxy params -----

#modparam("rtpproxy", "rtpproxy_sock", "udp:")

modparam("rtpproxy", "rtpproxy_sock", "unix:/var/run/rtpproxy/rtpproxy.sock")


I need to know the exact port range to open ports on my firewall if necessary. Our Kamailio server works just fine outside our network, but when I try to make calls through linphone client using a android device inside our network, as soon as I pick up the call it gets disconnected. The same thing happens when someone from outside tries to call in to our network. Funny part is when I use a desktop client like jitsi the calls between 2 users in the network or with someone outside the network work fine. I am guessing the rtp traffic is being dropped by the firewall when using linphone android client. It was working fine previously but after a firewall OS update it stopped working.


Best Regards,


Neville D'Souza


Network Administrator




Gogopay Online Pvt Ltd.

India  +91 832 222 0119

