El Martes, 1 de Diciembre de 2009, Joao Gomes Pereira escribió:
Hello I'm trying to register in Kamailio, an Asterisk working behind Nat. Here is the trunk:
The problem is: Asterisk is registering with its internal IP (, as you can see here: sip:s@ Q= Expires:: 81 Callid:: 480b40aa13ddd8707787b21a69656535@ Cseq:: 103 User-agent:: Asterisk PBX
How can I force Asterisk to register with its public IP? Is there some configuration I can do in Kamailio?
You can force the external address in sip.conf (externip param) or you can "fix" the signalling NAT issues in Kamailio by using nathelper module.