If you mean, if there is another way appart from doing a lookup() call ... that depends on what you whant to do ... 'kamctl ul show' it's really a RPC call to the registar module, but if you store your location information on any DB backend (redis, mysql, etc.) you could use other modules like sqlops, redis, etc. to do searchs and manipulations.
Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
Serlink Telecom S.R.L.U.
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Social Boh"
Para: "Kamailio"
Enviados: Jueves, 29 de Julio 2021 20:02:18
Asunto: [SR-Users] Access via script to location data in the memory
Hello List,
is there a way to access location data from kamailio script?
I mean data I can see with the command:
kamctl ul show
I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
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