Hi all,
I have been experimenting with Ser and b2bua, and a Grandstream  Budge Tone 100 SIP phone, although the same problem occurs for Cisco ATAs & softphones.
When I try to make a call, the call will succeed, but there are a number of issues at the moment
I have a feeling that these are all related, and could be down to the ser.cfg file.
Below is the ser.cfg file.
Any and all help would be appreciated.
# -------------------------  request routing logic -------------------
# main routing logic
# Standard max_forward_header checks...
# A REGISTER is when a client attempts to register with a SIP Server
                if (!performRegistration("4ecalls.com")) {
                        sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");
                sl_send_reply("200", "OK");
# It is an attmept to make a call
                sl_send_reply("100", "Trying..");
                log("Attempting to re-route call ...\n");

                # native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB
                if (!lookup("location"))

# If we get to here, we intend to re-route throgh a PSTN network
                        log("Lookup failed ...\n");
                        sl_send_reply("100", "Trying..");
                        if (performInvite("4ecalls.com"))
                                log("Am checking to see if it is in our domain...\n");
                                        log("Am really attempting to re-route call \n");
                                        rewritehostport("<SIP GATEWAY IP>:5060");
                                        forward(<SIP GATEWAY IP>, 5060);
# This should forward to the B2BUA server
#                                        rewritehostport("<b2bua IP>:5065");
#                                       forward(<b2bua IP>, 5065);
#                                       log("Am done with that call ...\n");
# We may want to send a reply back here to prevent the client from
# sending too many INVITE requests
                                        sl_send_reply("181", "Forwarding call");
                                log("The call was not logged ...\n");
                        log("The call was redirected - hopefully ...\n");
# Set the accounting flag - XXX do we actually need this?
#               setflag(1);
# An ACK is when a call is acknowlowdged to have occured
                sl_send_reply("200", "OK");
# A CANCEL is when a call is cancelled in the middle of an attempt
# Remove the active details...
# A BYE is for when a call finishes, so what we would want to do here is to track these
# messages, as these contain the info for the billing
                log("Found BYE message ...\n");
# This call here should slow down the dispatching of messages
                t_reply("100", "Trying to bill...");
# This will process the message and do all necessary work on it...
# In this case, we just want to perform the BYE actions...
                log("Checking to see if the destination is a SIP phone or not ...\n");
# This lookup is here so we can determine if the call was to a SIP softphone or ATA
# If it was a SIP Softphone or an ATA, then we won't need to bil, as this is over IP
                if (!lookup("location"))
                        log("Destination is a PSTN number ...\n");
# This call will bill both the provider and customer
        # we record-route all messages -- to make sure that
        # subsequent messages will go through our proxy; that's
        # particularly good if upstream and downstream entities
        # use different transport protocol
        # loose-route processing
        if (loose_route()) {
        # forward to current uri now; use stateful forwarding; that
        # works reliably even if we forward from TCP to UDP
        if (!t_relay()) {