I'm looking for an addition to the permissions module. I'm using the
address table to match valid originators. Each originator needs to be
placed into a specific route tree (in carrierroute). Right now, I can
do something like:
$var(orig) = "unauth";
if (allow_source_address("<fist route tree>")) {
$var(orig) = "<first route tree>" }
if (allow_source_address("<second route tree>")) {
$var(orig) = "<second route tree>" }
<etc., etc. for each route tree I have>
if $var(orig)=="unauth"
sl_send_reply("403", "Unauthorized IP");
} else {
....process the call.....
What I'd like to see is a permissions function that would allow me to
do something like:
$var(orig) = allow_source_address_group()
if $var(orig)=="-1"
sl_send_reply("403", "Unauthorized IP");
} else {
....process the call.....
Where the proposed allow_source_address_group() function would search
all IPs in the address table and return either a -1 if no matching
address is found, or return the value of the group column if one is
Anyone out there willing to make these changes? If so, please contact
me. I'm willing to put a bounty on this.
Daryl G. Jurbala
Director of Network Operations
Global Convergence Solutions
Tel: +1 732 853 0513