
I've missed some of the email replies in this thread (I see them on lists.kamailio.org website.)

- It's been suggested that NAT may be the root of the problem. However, that can't explain how the 200-OK for the CANCEL and then 100-Trying for the INVITE worked.
- Path and Record-Route headers were mentioned, but they're not relevant for receipt of INVITE responses (and not relevant for this anyway because you've TOPOS configured).

The size of the message (200-OK for the INVITE) is often significant. I note that the INVITE was well over 1500 bytes, so I expect that the response may well have been large too.
In my experience, when this sort of problem happens, there's often a problem with IP fragmentation (a router not routing the fragments) or with a misconfigured MTU on the network somewhere, quite possibly at the asterisk machine. This is almost certainly an IP problem, not a SIP problem.


On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 at 19:46, Ihor Olkhovskyi via sr-users <sr-users@lists.kamailio.org> wrote:

Have you used Path header?

As described here: https://blog.irontec.com/integracion-kamailio-y-asterisk-con-path/

Le mar. 7 nov. 2023 à 10:57, SAMUEL MOYA TINOCO via sr-users <sr-users@lists.kamailio.org> a écrit :

Good evening everyone,


I’m trying to set a scenario with my extensions registered against kamailio via wss and then once authenticated forward the register to my asterisk.

After this, I use dispatcher module to balance invites to my asterisks.


I have a few questions, the first part seems to be working as I want but when asterisk receives an invite and responds with INVITE (SDP) it doesn’t appear on my kamailio (but every other message appears) You can see it in this sngrep captures




I guess it is because something in my asterisk pjsip configuration is wrong but I can’t figure out what. So I’m start to think that maybe It is because I need to configure an rtpproxy app to change SDP and make RTP traffic go through kamailio


Maybe there’s something else I need to do, or there’s a guide to do this. But I can’t find anything

Any help will be very appreciated


Thank you in advance


Samuel Moya Tinoco

Departamento de Sistemas y Redes

Móvil: (+34) 606985997





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