
the patch for utils module might be trivial for such extension, however, my way to deal with http client needs was to use an embedded lua script. It was always fast and I had all the options I needed for setting the body of the request and handling the response. Lua has http lib with support for https as well. This can be an option for the moment. Perhaps other embedded interpreters can be used if you are more familiar with any of the alternatives (e.g., perl, python, C# ...).


On 15/07/14 22:03, Jonathan Hunter wrote:
Hi Juha,

Thank you for the response.

So I presume there isn't any other option for this functionality at present?



> Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 20:24:25 +0300
> To: sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
> From: jh@tutpro.com
> Subject: [SR-Users] http_query results question
> Jonathan Hunter writes:
> > I am now using version 4.1 on Centos 6.5, and I am using the http_query, which I'm aware records in the results the first line of the response.
> > Can you select the result to be recorded depending on the line in the
> > response, for example if a number is returned only in line 4, can this
> > be extracted from a 200 ok response using this function?
> that kind of functionality is not currently supported by http_query.
> -- juha
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