On 04-12 09:57, Dan Austin wrote:
I don't have docbook, but I can look into it.
That is not a problem, It was just an idea, simply write in your favorite editor.
One of my concerns about attempting to write this is that I'm still learning the process. Another is that I only have the one server running RedHat, so the steps will be oriented that way, at least to start.
I will integrate you're suggestions and provide another update shortly.
Thank you very much !
My last question/issue is about dependancies. When I started working with SER I already had MySQL install, version 3.23.36 I believe. I could not get the MySQL portion integration to work, and found that permissions were not correctly granted. After manually correcting the permissions, I had errors about the communications between SER and MySQL. I updated MySQL to the latest stable release and client programs, and the integration worked with no manual intervention.
I personaly use 3.23.52 for development, but I am sure that 3.23.36 works, we use it. What kind of communication error did you get ? Could you send me some error logs ?
This prompts me to want to include a section about software that SER depends on, or can leverage, and identify the minimum revision known to work. For this section I would need feedback about what has worked for others, as it failed for me with MySQL 3.23.36 and worked with 3.23.56, but I am sure there is a version inbetween. It may have also been a problem with the client programs and libraries. I unfortunately do not have the resources to test all combinations, so if people care to send me a note with what versions they have installed, I can digest it into a recommendation section.
3.23.36 works for us, but we set the permissions in a little bit different way (not by the ser_mysql script), but at least communication between ser and mysql seems to work fine.
regards, Jan.