Ok, Daniel!
I am trying exactly what you said, but for some reason the proxy server can't forward the message back to the WebSocket server. I am getting "487 Unresolvable destination". Appears that my Proxy Server can't get data from usrloc.
When I register an user using WebRTC I can see that the system stores the information in kamailio database and in the field "contact" it puts a string. The Proxy server is looking in database and just find this information. Actually, I'm trying to understand the entire process that envolves passing information from an Edge Server to a Proxy server that sends the Register information to another Registrar server (as I described before). The database is shared between all the servers, and they are in the same network.
I just read the information in another topic, as you said, but I think that my case is a lil bit different from it. I you agree, I can post my configuration files here. Maybe this can help another users with the same problem!
Thanks again!!!
*Bruno Emer*
Mobile: +55 11 96540-0044 email: brunoemer@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/bruno.emer.5 https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=86461237&trk=spm_pic https://twitter.com/brunoemer_ https://www.flickr.com/photos/122070309@N03/ http://google.com/+BrunoEmer http://instagram.com/brunoemer_
2014-09-17 9:13 GMT-03:00 Bruno Emer brunoemer@gmail.com:
I am relatively new to Kamailio and I'm trying to create a new enviroment using it in my company. I am thinking about use Amazon to host the servers and use OpsWorks to automatically escalate then if necessary. To accomplish this, my idea is to separate the servers, using one dedicated server to run as WebSocket, one to run as proxy and one as a Registrar. I'll be using just one database to store informations to all of my servers. With this, if I need more resources later, I can just create new servers with the specific roles (WebSockets, Proxy, Registrar).
By now, the idea is clear, but the point is that I don't know how to separate the WebSockets server from the proxy server. Actually, I can do this, but when I have one agent using a regular softphone and one agent using WebSockets (with JSSIP) they are not able to establish a session if the softphone user starts it. Now, I want to know if is there a way to use two websockets servers, register users using both of then and start sessions between then, with a separated proxy and registrar.
Has anyone done this before? Is possible to use kamailio like this?
*Bruno Emer*
Mobile: +55 11 96540-0044 email: brunoemer@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/bruno.emer.5 https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=86461237&trk=spm_pic https://twitter.com/brunoemer_ https://www.flickr.com/photos/122070309@N03/ http://google.com/+BrunoEmer http://instagram.com/brunoemer_