1. How do I mark the entries in the location table as permanent.
  2. How do I group the entries in the location table as belonging to one hunt group ike the 4 extensions I mentioned
  3. If I mark the entery as permanent how would I know if that extension is currently registered or not. 

On Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 2:11:23 PM EDT, Juha Heinanen <jh@tutpro.com> wrote:

KamDev Essa writes:

>  I want to implement hunting dynamically. Say I have one Inbound #
> 12345678909 that needs to hunt 4 extensions. 201, 202, 203 and
> 204. where do I store this relationship in the db becuse a customer
> can change sequence to 202, 203, 201 and 204.

If you want to use load_contacts()/next_contacts(), then the customer
could add permanent registrations for the extensions to location table
with different q values.

-- Juha

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