Try the sems list.

Andy Thomas wrote:

Im running the latest ser with sems.
Whenever I dial 958 I get the number reader announcement everytime.
However when I dial an offline user or conference room, many times I dont get any speech. The call is connected but I just get silence.

The server is on a public IP, so no nat issues. Firewall is correct, otherwise I wouldnt get the number reader working!

All my fifo's are correct with the correct permissions etc, and my config file must be ok, as sometimes voicemail & conference announcements are played, sometimes not.


Sems in debug mode displays this error everytime I get silence rather than the voicemail announcement-


(4836) ERROR: stop (AmThread.cpp:99): pthread_detach failed with code EINVAL: thread already in detached state.

Any ideas anyone??


Andy Thomas

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