On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 08:59:23AM +0000, Phil Lavin wrote:
Is it possible to set the natping_interval to a different value, per registration, at the time the user registers? For example, user A has 10 seconds and user B has 60 seconds.
I took a look at the pinger a couple of months ago for the 4.3 branch to figure out what the mechanism was and AFAIK your question is not possible. Depending on number of pinger threads and interval the endpoints get assigned a random value and something like currenttimeinseconds%maxvalue determins which endpoints are pinged. You might want to influence this random number (partition IIRC). But this depends on you db_mode (I guess it will not work when caching is active in kamailio)
But you can do this yourself from an external process (like sipsak) if you wish (and have the location records in a database).