Hey Daniel,

Great thanks for the swift response.

Indeed leveraging `/` as a separator makes sense

The PR is now closed with another commit found in https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/d44b13cd91183e12aed1a3c5ee41f9d22ddac074 implementing the changes.

Help message on how to use it is was also included in the commit file.


From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 19:43
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <sr-users@lists.kamailio.org>
Cc: Xenofon Karamanos <xk@gilawa.com>
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] socket names for command line parameter "listen"


I would rather try to leverage / as separator for socket properties, something like:

-l udp:

My to-do list has some new attributes planned for listen sockets, likely to be added in config only via socket = { ... } parameter, not for listen, because its grammar is quite complex even right now. They are related to the new multi-thread receive mode for udp socket, like ability to specify per socket the multi-thread or multi-process mode.

Even right now, there is a flag "virtual" that can be set for a socket, which is only possible via config, not via cli parameter.

With my proposed format, the attributes will be on specific position always, and if one is not going to be set, then it should be empty. If the format is:

-l localsocket/advertise/name

If advertise is not needed, then it can be:

-l udp:

I think this way is easier extensible in the future that trying to find various characters (like proposed now to be '=' for name) for different attributes.


On 21.08.24 17:14, Xenofon Karamanos via sr-users wrote:
Hello all,

I wanted to inform you about an upcoming change regarding the syntax we use for defining socket names in the listen (-l) command line argument.
Current Syntax:
-l udp:
Proposed Options:
  1. -l udp:
  2. -l s1=udp: ( A draft PR about this option can be found in https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/pull/3954)
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Please note that the socket name (s1) in both options is/should be optional. The change will allow for better clarity and flexibility when defining sockets, particularly when a name needs to be assigned and match the config file style.
I would appreciate your feedback on which syntax you find more intuitive or any concerns you might have with these options. Your input is important to ensure a smooth transition. 
Best regards,

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-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla (@ asipto.com) twitter.com/miconda -- linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio Consultancy, Training and Development Services -- asipto.com