Hi guys, I have been playing with the following idea: Create a ready-to-run OS image with everything that is needed for iptel.org apps pre-installed + a complete installation of: * SER 2.0 (release) * rtpproxy * SEMS * SERweb * maybe sipsak, some monitoring tools, etc
The idea is to create a small script 'config_iptelorg' for configuring the installation to your needs. You should then be able to download the ready image, boot it, go through the script and have an up and running iptel.org proxy and app server just like the iptel.org free SIP service in maybe 10-15 minutes. This way you could host a SIP service for your own domain with close to no setup at all.
Some questions to you: * Is there any interest for this at all? * I was thinking about using Ubuntu 7.10 server as the OS. Any thoughts/preferences? * Should the image be an Amazon EC3 image (you could use http://www.rightscale.com and get it running in no time with 10 run-hours free) or should it be a VMware appliance to be run with free VMware Player? * Other suggestions/comments?
I could need some help with this, anyone interested in lending me a hand? (could be anything, documentation, testing, installation, etc) g-)