On Jul 07, 2003 at 13:08, Mario Kolberg mko@cs.stir.ac.uk wrote:
I'm trying to add a header to SIP messages (for a research project). However, it seems as ser (version 0.8.11pre26) doesn't like my code. Below is the function which is part of a module. It seems as depending on the length of the variable test, ser either crashes or just doesn't send on the full message (truncated after the new header). It sounds a bit like a memory problem. I tried to make sure that memory is properly allocated (thats why the pkg_malloc) and the string is terminated.
I'd be grateful for any pointers!
The code seems ok. Could you send us a core dump along with a tar.{gz,bz2} with the sources and the binaries? (either to serhelp@lists.iptel.org or put them on a ftp/http server) To get a core dump you might need to run: ulimit -c unlimited and then start ser with ./ser -w dir_where_core_will_be_dumped.
BTW: if you want to add a header make sure is not 0 terminated (this will insert a \0 in the message!). It should be terminated by a CR LF (\r\n).