Hi Users,

I installed  Openser server  and Using the Nathelper with RtpProxy .

The openser server and  RtpProxy are located in  the Same system with ip add ( ,

And Public IP address is xx.xxx.xxx.xxx.,  openSER sip_doamin name is xx.xxx.xxx.xxx

 Ours Network connect  for openser System is given below

                                  modem------xx.xxx.xxx.xxx.-------------> router(firewall) ---------------------------------> server   1
                                                                                             |________________ > server   2
                                                                                             |_________________>  server 3  ( openser and rtp )

For Testing i'm X-lite softphones  with different network og openser system

When made the call from one softphone to other softphones..
When caller calls to callee , after the phone rings ,


Thanks and Regards with cheers
Sunkara Ravi Prakash (Voip Developer)
Hyperion Technology
Kondapur, Hi-tech city,