What is CIC? Send us network dumps please -- that will make it easier to understand for us. You can for example use "ngrep port 5060".
My understanding of the flow in this instance is as follows (please correct me if I'm wrong):
- Phone2 dials 2030.
- SER performs a lookup for sip:2030@ that fails.
- SER rewrites the host address to Server1 ( and state-fully
forwards the call to sip:2030@
- Server1 performs a lookup for sip:2030@ and finds that it
should connect to sip:st2030@
- SER performs a lookup for sip:st2030@ and finds that it
should connect to sip:st2030@
- Phone1 rings
- Phone1 answers, audio path should be connected but is not.
That may have so many reasons that I really cannot even guess what it might be without seeing the dumps.