?? Was that a question? Did you read the documentation I referred to?

Paul Antinori (pantinor) wrote:
Retry count setting for invites
I am using the timers as below:
There do not seem to be any max count parameters to set according to the TM module docs.

From: Greger V. Teigre [mailto:greger@teigre.com]
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 6:51 AM
To: Paul Antinori (pantinor)
Cc: serusers@iptel.org
Subject: Re: [Serusers] Retry count setting for invites

See the FAQs on iptel.org for docs on 0.9.x timers and What's new in 0.10.x for docs on the new timers in SER Ottendorf.

Paul Antinori (pantinor) wrote:

Can the number of times that an INVITE is sent with UDP be configured with a modparam type setting in the cfg file?

For example, a max invite retry count setting?

I saw modparam "tm" settings for timers, but nothing for the retry count.

Thank you,


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