Hi everyone,
+ I have problem with mysql when run ser:
WARNING: no fork mode and more than one listen address found (will use only
the the first one)
0(12395) init_tcp: using epoll_lt as the io watch method (auto detected)
0(12395) Maxfwd module- initializing
0(12395) new_connection: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
password: YES)
0(12395) gflags:mod_init: Error while connecting database
0(12395) init_mod(): Error while initializing module gflags
ERROR: error while initializing modules
in shell, when i run mysql -u root -pxxxxx, it works. but when run ser as
root, it don't work, i tried to fix this problem 2 days but can't. can
someone help me and tell me where is problem.
+ second question: in serusers archive don't have search box, when I want to
search someone has the same problem like me and know how they solve it, i
have to look every threads or we have other way to search efficient, I tried
to search with google group but can't.
thank you very much for your response.