Hi there,
double replication (SIP and DB) is good if you avoid DB double insertion
(via save_memory). The idea is to keep having replication even if the
backup proxy is down (to maintain for example) when SIP replication
doesn't work anymore. In such a case, the DB replication will keep
updating the location table and when the backup machine will be
restarted, it will be perfect sincronized from the beginning.
Andreas Granig wrote:
Iqbal wrote:
but then how do you replicate the other tables
Klaus Darilion wrote:
Another option: Do not replicate the mysql data
You can replicate the other tables in one direction, just leave out
the usrloc tables like location and aliases and replicate them on SIP
Right before startup of one SER perform a mysqldump of the usrloc
tables from the running peer and you should be fine (well, in fact
you'd loose the registrations coming in at the peer between the start
of the dump and the end of preloading the tables in usrloc module).
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