When I try to compile pa (for presence service) module, a error occured that it can not find libxml files.

I don't know where is libxml and how to download it.

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance!


From:  Shaun Hofer <shaun.hofer@voxpak.com>
To:  "SER-Users" <serusers@iptel.org>
Subject:  [Serusers] Forwarding and mediaproxy
Date:  Wed, 31 Jan 2007 16:19:30 +1000
>I wish to forward busy and no answer calls to Asterisk, and have the RTP
>stream go through mediaproxy. At the moment, some calls use mediaproxy and
>some don't. If the call is not using mediaproxy to get it too. I have noticed
>that I can't call use_media_proxy() from failed route. I don't want to use
>mediaproxy for every call between UA's, if not needed. Any suggestions on how
>I might be able to get calls to use mediaproxy if forwarded ?
>current fail route:
>failure_route[1] {
>         if (t_check_status("487")) {
>                 break;
>         };
>         if (isflagset(26) && t_check_status("486")) {
>                 avp_delete("s:fwdbusy");
>                 resetflag(26);
>                 revert_uri();
>                 rewritehostport("");
>                 append_branch();
>                 t_relay_to_udp("", "5060");
>                 break;
>         };
>         if (isflagset(27) && t_check_status("408")) {
>                 avp_delete("s:fwdnoanswer");
>                 resetflag(27);
>   revert_uri();
>                 rewritehostport("");
>                 append_branch();
>                 t_relay_to_udp("", "5060");
>                 break;
> };
>         end_media_session();
>Shaun Hofer
>Serusers mailing list

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