Well, now this is a question that I'm by the opinion that Maxim could help us.... ;)
Iñaki Baz Castillo escreveu:
2009/7/6 Edson - Lists 4lists@gmail.com:
I think that I find a useful link: http://lists.rtpproxy.org/pipermail/users/2009-March/000137.html
Right now I can't test it, but seems a good path...
Really interesting, thanks a lot. However, it requires "rtpproxy version 1.2" ¿?¿?¿
My version is the trunk version:
~# rtpproxy -v Basic version: 20040107 Extension 20050322: Support for multiple RTP streams and MOH Extension 20060704: Support for extra parameter in the V command Extension 20071116: Support for RTP re-packetization Extension 20071218: Support for forking (copying) RTP stream Extension 20080403: Support for RTP statistics querying Extension 20081102: Support for setting codecs in the update/lookup command Extension 20081224: Support for session timeout notifications
And I cannot see "-P option" ¿?