If the URI is not enclosed in between angle brackets, then the parameters after first ; are header parameters, not uri parameters. So in such case the uri ends at first ; .


On 02.03.20 14:34, Duarte Rocha wrote:

It's not enclosed in angled brackets. I can test it with angle brackets if you want :) 

A segunda, 2/03/2020, 13:32, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> escreveu:


is the uri enclosed in angle brackets? Or is just plain value that you pasted below?


On 02.03.20 14:24, Duarte Rocha wrote:

I have a cenario with the following header To = "sip:111234567890;npdi@111.222.333.444"

If i print $tu I got "sip:111234567890". If i print $hdr(To) I get "sip:111234567890;npdi@111.222.333.444".

If i don't include the "npdi" or any other user parameters, it works fine

Is this the intended behaviour? Am i doing something wrong here?

Best Regards,

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Kamailio Advanced Training - March 9-11, 2020, Berlin - www.asipto.com
Kamailio World Conference - April 27-29, 2020, in Berlin -- www.kamailioworld.com