Hello all!I tried sending this earlier too but since I was not subscribed to the mailing list, it bounced back.I am trying to setup a secure videoconferencing setup formy small office. After a lot of convincing, my bosses have allowed meto create a setup and have given me a live IP. I have used it on aUbuntu 12.04 setup and want to setup a SIP server for very few users(less than 10, at most) to use it through Jitsi. I am trying to followthe tutorials available at:http://kb.asipto.com/kamailio:skypelikeserviceinlessthanonehour&https://... able to log into Jitsi on independent machines, both behind andwithout a firewall. But the trouble I am facing is that the users do notappear online to each other. If I try to send a text messagenonetheless, I get the "403 Not allowed" error.At first, I triedthe config file for Kamailio provided on the first link. It had someproblems due to it being an old version and the config fil e on the 2ndlink helped me out. I suspect there is some problem with the PRESENCEmodule but I do not know what since it does not give any errorwhatsoever. I added the "#!define WITHPRESENCE" line and installed thePresence module but to no avail. My current kamailio.cfg file can be seen at: http://pastebin.com/bZJxVLfL(I have hidden my live IP in the text).My current /etc/kamailio/kamctlrc file can be seen at: http://pastebin.com/tV7Z9E8eI can upload the logs/other file content as needed. I am a n00b for Kamailio so you will have to be patient with me.Please help me out here. I have been after it for almost a week now. Cheers!GauravDear srusers! Get Yourself a cool, short @in.com Email ID now!