when inspecting dmq a bit further, I found that in fact there is an autodiscovery built in. When I told registrar 1 and registrar 2 to send to receiver, and told receiver to only send to itself, everything worked. Until the receiver went offline. Then it got disabled by the registrars and no packets got replicated anymore after it came back online until the registrars were restarted, too.
Since we don't want this situation, I told the receiver to send to a dns record containing all registrars. This way, after the receiver came back up, the registrars got notified and started replicating their usrloc again. But they didn't send to the receiver only, but also to the other registrar.
Since we have quite an amount of registration traffic on the registrars (and actually there are more than two of them), we don't want to send this traffic multiple times through our network.
Is there any way we can force the dmq module to send only to the configured receiver?
Best Regards, Sebastian