
can you set debug=3 in kamailio.cfg and then send the syslog messages for handling the PUBLISH request?

Also, can you watch the sip network traffic on port 5060, including the loopback interface? Maybe some packets are sent over a different network.


On 03/12/15 16:03, Thierry Luo wrote:

Hi All,


I’m now using Kamailio as Presence Server for my IM system. All is fine except that, when one user publishes new presence status (in tuples) to the Presence Server, which does not NOTIFY the subscribers of the status.  And the more weird is that, when I restart the subscriber UAs and re-subscribe, the Presence Server send out the NOTIFY messages to the subscribers that just re-subscribed.  This is not compliant with RFCs.


Anybody please help me out. Attached is the configuration file.





Thierry Luo

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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - http://www.asipto.com