I'm happy to add some comments based on what I know... 

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 15:14:46 +0200, Frank Fischer wrote

> Hi all
> i'm planing to create a simple application interface to administer subscriber and alias data directly in the mysql db backend (i will use Andreas Granig's userloc-cl module).
> Looking at the mysql database that comes with ser, there seem to be a lot of fields in the subscriber and aliases table that are not needed by ser itself but only by serweb. Do i get this right?
> If so, is there any specification of the fields that are required by ser (incl. valid value range) so i know which fields i have to administer? Are there any fields needed by ser which i may not touch?
> If there is no such documentation, maybe someone knows and would be willing to place a few comments to the table listings below?
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> Kind regards
> Frank

The ones needed for ser, I'll comment (and what they're needed for as far as I know... please feel free to make corrections)

> subscriber
> ------------------------
> phplib_id
> username (needed -- this is just as it says, the username someone registers with... either a word or a number)
> domain (needed -- this is the domain for that user. Multiple domains are supported, so SER needs a way of knowing which users to put with which domains)
> password  (needed -- this is the plaintext password for the user)
> first_name
> last_name
> phone
> email_address (needed for things like SEMS in order to send voicemail... not otherwise necessary)
> datetime_created
> datetime_modified
> confirmation
> flag
> sendnotification
> greeting
> ha1 (needed -- this is an md5 of the string "<username>:<domain>:<password>" needed if you're using digest authentication)
> ha1b (needed -- another md5 string... this one is "<username@domain>:<domain>:<password>" )
> allow_find
> timezone
> rpid
> domn
> uuid
> aliases
> ------------------------
> username (needed -- this is the alias itself i.e. what someone would dial to get the original user)
> domain (I imagine it's needed for multiple domains, but no matter what I set my SIP_DOMAIN to, it's always blank on mine)
> contact (this is a SIP URI of the actual username which the alias maps to. sip:originaluser@domain.com )
> received
> expires (needed -- a date in the past makes this permanent)
> q
> callid
> cseq
> last_modified
> replicate
> state
> flags (not sure what this is for or if it's needed)
> user_agent

The rest of those are all superfluous and not absolutely necessary.