Hi Jan,
I am following up on the conversation that you and Vikrant had a short while ago. The OSP interface was implemented as a SER module. It does not require any changes to the core SER or any of its modules. We have been hosting the project @ http://developer.berlios.de/projects/osp-module We would like to move the project to the experimental branch in your CVS. How should we proceed?
In what form does the come ? Did you implement it as a SER module ? If so then we can put it in the experimental branch in CVS. If you made some changes to other modules or the core then it would be great if you could generate patches against the latest development version.
Best Regards, Dmitry
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jan Janak" jan@iptel.org To: vmathur@transnexus.com Cc: serusers@lists.iptel.org Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 2:35 PM Subject: Re: [Serusers] Distributing "OSP enable SER" binary file w/ source code
On 12-08-2005 18:18, vmathur@transnexus.com wrote:
Hi Jan,
The code has been written as a SER module. The details of the code
available at:
Right now the process of compilation requires that you download the
toolkit source code and complie it. This would build the OSP client library that the SER would use. You should then download the SER and the OSP modules and build them. The process is rather lengthy and we were wondering if
come up with an easier way of doing this.
What exactly is the experimental branch in CVS ?
SER CVS repository contains experimental directory. This is the directory where anyone can put their contribution. It stays there for a while and if it proves to be useful and supported by the author
we move it to the main source tree, giving the author write access to the main tree.
In what form does the come come ? Did you implement it as a SER module ? If so then we can put it in the experimental branch in CVS. If you made some changes to other modules or the core then it would be great if you could generate patches against the latest development version.