Jiri Kuthan wrote:
At 09:49 25.11.2005, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Jiri Kuthan wrote:
What is tcp_analyze? On a side-note: there is no easy TCP fitlering expression as both sides of TCP connections may use ephemeral ports.
Yes, but usually at least one socket (the incoming) uses port 5060.
I think that actually the case without 5060 is fairly usual -- SER opens up a TCP connection to a downstream agent. In that case, SER uses ephemeral port number and frequently the agent registered with an ephemeral number too (even if it used 5060, it may be behind a NAT)
indeed, you are right, except in the NAT case. If the client is behind NAT, the proxy can not establish a TCP connection to the client. AFAIK, for TCP based NAT traversal, the initial TCP session will be kept open. The initial session however will typically made to proxyip:5060.
regards klaus