Hi everyone. im posting this to help anyone pretending to install SER on UBUNTU 7.04.
1. download the source from http://ftp.iptel.org/pub/ser/LATEST-IS-0.9.6/src/
2. upgrade your build utils by downloading the following packages needed packages for compiling all the modules: Debian: - libmysqlclient-dev for libmysqlclient - libpq-dev for libpq - libexpat1-dev for libexpat - libxml2-dev for libxml2 - libradiusclient-ng-dev for libradiusclient (you can download the package from http://apt.sip-router.org/debian/dis...1-0.5_i386.debhttp://apt.sip-router.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/libradiusclient-ng-dev_0.5.1-0.5_i386.deb). NOTE: you can get up-to-date ser packages or libradiusclient packages from http://apt.sip-router.org: http://apt.sip-router.org/ add to your /etc/apt/sources.list the following lines: deb http://apt.sip-router.org/debian testing main contrib non-free deb http://apt.sip-router.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free and then: apt-get update; apt-get install libradiusclient-ng-dev (or, if you want to use the pre-built modules: apt-get install ser ser-cpl-module ser-jabber-module ser-mysq-module ser-pa-module ser-postgres-module ser-radius-modules )
Compile example (all the modules and ser in a tar.gz): make bin include_modules="mysql jabber cpl-c auth_radius group_radius uri_radius postgres pa"
Since my system was quite updated i have just issued " apt-get install libpq-dev " on shell the as root on ser extracted folder issued make install. everythings were successfully compiled and installed.
i recommend u to do the following on section 2 of this link http://ftp.iptel.org/pub/ser/0.9.6/doc/INSTALL
3. then follow the installation of the sip User agent (client ) on http://www.en.voipforo.com/Telephone...figuration.phphttp://www.en.voipforo.com/Telephones/sjphone-configuration.php
enjoy uself
Josef Tupag humidifiers http://thebesthumidifiers.com