Unfortunately the machine I am trying to install ser on is headless (i.e. an appliance)
which makes compiles
very difficult and I don't have any other RH
7.0 machine available to recompile on. So does anyone have
RH 7.0 binaries or RPMs that have been
recompiled to fix the following problem?
Desc: ser won't run on linux kernels
<2.4 (fails with EINVAL when
intializing the shared memory)
BugId: n/a
Ser version: 0.8.8, 0.8.9,
Workaround: Upgrade to a 2.4.* kernel (older kernels don't support
mmaping of /dev/zero ) or recompile ser with SYSV shm instead
(remove -DSHM_MMAP from Makefile.defs)
CVS status: n/a
The RH 7.0 RPMs at the download site seem to
have this problem (must have just been compiled without testing?).