At 14:00 09/12/2007, SIP wrote:
My assumptions are (at the basic level):
-SER 2.0 (in whatever state it's in atm) -SERWeb -RTPProxy -SEMS
Yes. +ser_ctl.
Secondary (but no less important) items that are a must-have: -MySQL (I'm voting for 5 series here, but that will require my patch for the mysql code in SER 2.0)
why the patch?
-Apache (req'd for SERweb) -SIPsak -ngrep (invaluable for debugging as well as learning)
Optional: -mediaproxy -freeradius -radiusclient (for those who want to mesh SER with an existing radius infrastructure perhaps)
Just to keep things focused, I think starting with just mysql would be a more pragmatic (nothing against radius in next stage).
-- Jiri Kuthan