Hello Youssef,


before investing a lot of time into this old version, I would suggest that you update:



In the newer kamailio default cfg you find also support for rtpengine, it can be easily enabled with a define.






From: sr-users <sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.org> On Behalf Of Youssef Boujraf
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 1:01 PM
To: sr-users@lists.kamailio.org
Cc: Contacts <yboujraf@gmail.com>
Subject: [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.4 + rtpproxy behind the NAT (debian stretch 9.13)




I am testing the kakamilio 4.4 with rtpproxy on Debian stretch 9.13

I have installed the packages

·         apt-get install kamailio and rtpproxy.

·         kamailio 4.4

·         rtpproxy Basic version: 20040107


My version of RTPPROXY doesn't have the -A parameter so that means without advertising there is no way to work behind NAT? That is what I have understood after spending one week on forums. Thanks if somebody could confirm otherwise, which way I need to go to figure out my issue?


# rtpproxy -v
Basic version: 20040107
Extension 20050322: Support for multiple RTP streams and MOH
Extension 20060704: Support for extra parameter in the V command
Extension 20071116: Support for RTP re-packetization
Extension 20071218: Support for forking (copying) RTP stream
Extension 20080403: Support for RTP statistics querying
Extension 20081102: Support for setting codecs in the update/lookup command
Extension 20081224: Support for session timeout notifications


# rtpproxy -help
rtpproxy: invalid option -- 'h'
usage: rtpproxy [-2fvFiPa] [-l addr1[/addr2]] [-6 addr1[/addr2]] [-s path]
        [-t tos] [-r rdir [-S sdir]] [-T ttl] [-L nfiles] [-m port_min]
        [-M port_max] [-u uname[:gname]] [-n timeout_socket] [-d log_level[:log_facility]]


/etc/hosts       localhost       sip.dom.xx sip    sip.dom.xx sip
PUBLIC_IP   sip.dom.xx sip
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters




#!define PUBLIC_IP "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
#!define PRIVATE_IP ""
#!define PRIVATE_NET "

listen=udp:PRIVATE_IP:5060 advertise PUBLIC_IP:5060 


#!ifdef WITH_NAT

# ----- rtpproxy params -----

modparam("rtpproxy", "rtpproxy_sock", "udp:PRIVATE_IP:7722")

# ----- nathelper params -----

modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 30)

modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1)

modparam("nathelper", "sipping_bflag", FLB_NATSIPPING)

modparam("nathelper", "sipping_from", "sip:pinger@kamailio.org")






rtpport_min= 10000



#Defaults for rtpproxy
#The control socket.
#To listen on an UDP socket, uncomment this line:
#Additional options that are passed to the daemon.
EXTRA_OPTS="-l $PRIVATE_IP/$PUBLIC_IP ="-s $PRIVATE_IP:7222 -m $rtpport_min -M $rtpport_max -d $syslog"`


Thanks if you could route me to the right way.


Best regards

Email: yboujraf@gmail.com