I'm testing the proxy behaviour (Openser 1.3.2) when DNS servers are unreachable and I observe that with few requests that require the DNS, I have the proxy completely blocked, while it could serve all the other methods that don't need the DNS (method with IP adddress or incoming REGISTERs).
I observe that each child process remains suspended until all DNS requests are finished (NAPTR, SRV and A).
If I configure two DNS server and X retransmissions after Y seconds, the child remain suspended for:
2 * X * Y * 3 seconds (3=NAPTR+SRV+A queries)
Even if I set low values for X and Y (X=2 retr and Y=2 sec.) the child is suspended for a long interval:
2*2*2*3=24 seconds.
Is it possible to avoid that chlidren remain suspended?
Is there any configuration param that can reduce this interval?
Is it possibile to introduce a little change in sip_resolvehost (check errno) in order to avoid the SRV and A queries if the NAPTR fails because the DNS servers are unreachable?