Hi all,
I have a scenario where I was testing DNS failover and this feature seems to
fail. I will try to explain the scenario:
I'm trying to establish a call between two user Agents, where one of the
users has services associated (trigger to ASs) to the session establishment
signaling (INVITE). So when SER makes the DNS query receives 2 ip addresses
for this AS. The sip message will be correctly forwarded to one of this two
entries and if in case of failure it will try to send the message to the
next entry (second ip address). But when we are triggering to the AS we will
add a route header and this header is not created in the second case, i.e.
after DNS failover as the SIP INVITE will be created based in the SIP
message received and not in the SIP message sent in the first place.
So anyone has any thoughts about this question and a solution to it?
Thanks in any advance.
Best Regards
Nuno Ribeiro