I'm setting up a radius only ser.
I would like to use the Mediaproxy for this setup, because it's a very well scaling proxy solution. Nathelper is not an option because there can be only one proxy server.
There is no Database-Backend whatsoever available. Mediaproxy.so requires the Domain.so Module to be able to run:
0(23605) error: mediaproxy/mod_init(): can't find is_from_local and/or is_uri_host_local functions. Check if domain.so is loaded 0(23605) init_mod(): Error while initializing module mediaproxy ERROR: error while initializing modules
Why is that so? What has Mediaproxy got to do with the Domain-Module? Why is it important whether a call is from or to a local domain or not?
Would it be possible to introduce an use_domain cfg parameter for Mediaproxy.so or is the dependence on Domain.so mission-critical?
Best regards, Martin