On 11/14/11 3:24 PM, Javier Gallart wrote:
very interesting issue actually...the mtree module fits perfectly well
in a key-value model becaue basically is what the mtree table
structure defines; that's why redis was the first thing that came to
my mind when I saw the redis module. Two problems with redis:
-no "native" mt_match function, up to the user to find the best option
-replication. Until the cluster feature is ready, we need to change by
hand the server ip address, which implies a kamailio restart. There is
no mi command for changing the server in the fly, right..(not in the
module documentation at least)?
Daniel, I agree that your suggestion about the mi/rpc method would be
nice. I will also take a look at Mongo as Douglas suggests, and
especially CouchDB, because you can talk to Couch DB via http...
coming back to the topic related to mtree, to be able to set values via
mi/rpc -- it won't be that difficult to add such functionality. Usually
with a tree is mainly reading, due to fast matching on tree indexing.
The question is how many times/often do you need to change values and
how many of them at the same time (more or less).
I assume many times the changes will be somewhere down the tree, since
the first part of the number is usually the same (e.g., country code and
operator prefix). To update the tree at runtime, while there are reads
on it, there must be used a lock to be safe an consistent. If you do lot
of writes and very often, then you keep the tree structure locked a lot,
slowing the search.
Can you estimate the number of writes and how often they would be on a
daily basis? There might be other solutions to look at, if writes are
very often.
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Douglas Hubler <douglas(a)hubler.us
<mailto:douglas@hubler.us>> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 5:10 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla
<miconda(a)gmail.com <mailto:miconda@gmail.com>> wrote:
are there any other no-sql database systems that
have such
mechanism? Might
not be hard to make a connector when the time
will allow -- just
to know the
best options here.
mongodb will auto promote. Caveat, (like redis if i understand
correctly), is that all writes are directed to a single master (be it
chosen dynamically), but reads can happen anywhere to spread the load.
Also, you need to accept the distaster scenario of a "network
partition" where a minority set of servers find themselves w/o a
master. Example: 5 servers in datacenter #1 and 4 servers in
datacenter #2. If the link between datacenters is broken, then all
servers in datacenter #2 will not have a master and will be read-only
until link is restored. Good part about single master is there's no
chance of inconsistent data.
Turns out local fail-over v.s. consistent data is a well explored
I've worked w/the C++ driver to mongodb is anyone has questions.
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla --
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