hello John,
Me too ! Strange no!? read my posts
Harry --- John Clements palor@houston.rr.com a écrit :
I have ran both "ser_mysql.sh reinstall" and "ser_mysql.sh reinit".
On 13-07-2005 16:43, John Clements wrote:
I have SER 0.9.3 and SERWEB 0.9.3 installed and
when I log into SERWEB as
a user and go to "Missed Calls" or "Accounting" I
get the error: "DB Error:
syntax error".
Could you try to drop and recreate the database
using ser_mysql.sh
script from 0.9.3 version of SER ?
I looked in apache log and I have a bunch of PEAR
errors. I
followed the instructions (I hope) and I have the
Pear package LOG
installed. These are probably two seperate
issues, but if I could get
either one fixed I would be a happy camper.
I don't know about these, I CCed to Karel, who is
currently on
[client] PHP Notice: Use of
undefined constant
PEAR_LOG_INFO - assumed 'PEAR_LOG_INFO' in /home/serweb/serweb/html/functions.php on line
513, referer:
[client] PHP Notice: Use of
undefined constant
PEAR_LOG_INFO - assumed 'PEAR_LOG_INFO' in /home/serweb/serweb/html/functions.php on line
513, referer:
PEAR Packages
Package Version State Archive_Tar 1.3.1 stable Console_Getopt 1.2 stable DB 1.7.6 stable HTTP 1.3.5 stable Log 1.8.7 stable Mail 1.1.6 stable Net_SMTP 1.2.6 stable Net_Socket 1.0.6 stable PEAR 1.3.5 stable PHPUnit 1.2.3 stable XML_Parser 1.2.6 stable XML_RPC 1.3.2 stable
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