Ex. netstat -nlp | grep ser will show you at the network level whether ser is listening. If so, start ser in debug mode (i.e. stop it and then ser -d -d -d -E -D) g-)
Martin Kjeldsen wrote:
Thanks. Did a tcpdump and apparently the messages do reach the SER. But still a very quiet SER :-(.
2005-05-31 14:29:26.533854 -> 212.97.222.xxx SIP Request: REGISTER sip:test.cuatro.dk 2005-05-31 14:29:28.183699 -> 212.97.222.xxx SIP Request: REGISTER sip:test.cuatro.dk 2005-05-31 14:29:31.194343 -> 212.97.222.xxx SIP Request: REGISTER sip:test.cuatro.dk 2005-05-31 14:29:37.216605 -> 212.97.222.xxx SIP Request: REGISTER sip:test.cuatro.dk
Could the problem still have something to do with the FIFO, or might it be some other dependency, as to why the SER never sends any response, in this case a 401 Unauthorized?
Thanks in advance Martin
Greger V. Teigre wrote:
Use ngrep or tcpdump port 5060 to see if there is any traffic. g-) Martin Kjeldsen wrote:
Hi there
I'm having trouble registrering with my SER build (0.9.2), and using the auth_mysql ser.cfg from ONsip.org. It is as if SER isn't recieving any of the messages from my UA, and I've been wondering where I might have gone wrong. One thing I've found different from a former build (0.8.14), I have up and running is the socks which SER is listening on. When i do a serctl ps on the 0.9.2 i get this:
ser@sipsite:~/running/ser0.9.0/sbin> serctl ps 200 ok 0 22531 attendant 1 22532 fifo server 2 22533 receiver child=0 sock= 212.97.222.xxx:5060 3 22534 receiver child=1 sock= 212.97.222.xxx:5060 4 22535 receiver child=2 sock= 212.97.222.xxx:5060 5 22536 receiver child=3 sock= 212.97.222.xxx:5060 6 22537 timer 7 22538 tcp receiver 8 22539 tcp receiver 9 22540 tcp receiver 10 22541 tcp receiver 11 22542 tcp main process
And as far as I can see the same command on 0.8.14 yields almost the same output, except that the sock has a number like '0' and a @ sign is between scok and ip (eg: sock=0 @ ip-adress)! Can this be the cause of my troubles? I'm afraid that I'm not that much into Unix and Sockets!
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards Martin
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