
if no combination of probing_mode (http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/dispatcher.html#dispatcher.p.ds_probing_mode) and probing flags (http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/dispatcher.html#idp1992504) is not suitable for what you need, then this use case need to be added.


On 19/08/15 23:11, Joseph Dickson wrote:

I'm fairly new to Kamailio, and am having fun so far...  I'm using the latest 4.3 rpm version on Centos 7.

I'm using Kamailio to front end a pair of FreeSwitch SBC boxes in an active/active config..  My plan is to use dispatcher to load balance calls between them.  This is working fine.. the problem that I'm bumping into is that the gateway probing options in dispatcher seem not to fit my use case..

In addition to the two SBC gateways, I also have a few external gateways that I want to load balance between also using dispatcher.  The problem is that I can't send options packets to these gateways -- they don't respond to them.  This means I can't just configure dispatcher to probe all gateways (probing_method=1) because it will mark these gateways as inactive..

It looks like every other configuration of probing_method only probes a gateway until the state is determined, and then it stops probing.  probing_method=2 does not appear to be used at all in the code..

Am I doing this wrong?  Or is this just an area of dispatcher that needs some improvement?  Looking at the code, I can probably add the functionality that I need, but I don't want to go that route if I'm just missing how this is usually done..


Joseph Dickson

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - http://www.asipto.com