we are testing the
iptel.org service using the sip server provided by iptel
Sjphonev. 1.65 is used as client.
We noticed a strange behavior concerning the RTP Proxy.
All SIP messages pass the iptel sip proxy as record route is used.
Also all RTP packets pass the sip/rtp proxy.
The question bothering us is why the RTP packets are using a proxy?
(sniffs show that all RTP packets are send to the proxy)
To make our case clear I will explain some details:
1. We are definitely using public IP addresses. (no RFC 1918 addresses)
2. There is no NAT.
3. Sniffs show that in the first invite packet the SDP media attribute is set to
4. In the Sip Header via section the "rport" attribute is used. (not sure why)
As I understand the SER documentation RTP proxy should only be used, if the nat_uac_test
function in the nathelper module returns true. This function is checking for RFC 1918
addresses and differences in IP and port values.
Thanks a lot for the help.