try the link I provided bellow. nevertheless, again, kphone is from my point of view still under development. -jiri
At 17:35 16/02/2007, Klaus Fleischmann wrote:
Jiri, I heard different people talking about that trial. There also are rumors about a kphone-version prepared by them. But the application link on their WEB-page is dead. Do you know anything about it ??? Klaus
Jiri Kuthan wrote:
At 19:39 15/02/2007, wrote:
I am setting up an end-to-end IPv6 testbed at Verizon which includes PCs with IPv6-related applications, Servers, Edge Routers, and Backbone Routers.
Currenly I am looking for a SIP client (SIP User Agent) for IPv6 that works on VISTA, XP, or Linux , and interoperates with OpenSER 1.1.1.
Does anyone know of or has a SIP client that works on IPv6 networks with OpenSER 1.1.1?
Has anyone used OpenSER 1.1.1 for IPv6? Is there any documentation for this, or bugs ?
Well, SER ( with v6 has been extensivelly used in PanEuropean v6 trial (, couple of our customers' trials and the most recent sipit (
Obviously, signaling in IPv6 was the easy part, sending media between IPv4 and v6 was the harder part.
On the client-side, in the recent sipits we have seen an apparently solid implementation from Hellosoft (not sure if GA) and CounterPath ( At least some version of kphone are v6 enabled but this is I guess very prototypical (
-- Jiri Kuthan
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-- Jiri Kuthan