We just updated our development environment from 4.2.2 to 4.2.5 and started noticing the server sending a 500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/TM) error back as soon as the async_route block gets called.  I have removed everything from our async route other than an xlog statement trying to determine if something in that route block was causing the 500 to occur.  It still happens even with only the xlog.


If the async_route is not in the config, then the server does not send the 500 response.


We rolled back to 4.2.2 and the problem no longer occurs.


I have attached a sip trace of the messages.  I believe the relevant parts of our config are below,  please let me know if you need more from the config however.


Any ideas?



async_route("PUSHJOIN", "2");



route[PUSHJOIN] {

xlog("L_INFO", "Does it get here?\n");




Thanks in Advance,

