
I am having trouble with voicemail using asterisk and openSer.

In openser I use a failure route to send the call to asterisk for voicemail like this:

        if (is_method("INVITE"))
                xlog("L_INFO", "Set failure route for vm\n");

        xlog("L_INFO", "Running failure route for vm\n");

It works in the sense that the call goes to asterisk but then the following happens:

asterisk replies "407 Proxy Auth Required"
openSer forwards 407 reply to UA
UA resends INVITE with credentials but with the *original* URI   (user@dom.tld not user@vm.dom.tld)
openSer forwards the INVITE to the original destination instead of asterisk

and round and round we go...

is there a better way to send the call to asterisk after failure or am I missing something?

Thank you

Marnus van Niekerk

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is
dressed in overalls and looks like work."

Thomas Alva Edison - Inventor of 1093 patents,
including the light bulb, phonogram and motion pictures.