I seem to be going round in circles… I am trying to use dlg_bridge() from the dialog module to establish a call between two SIP endpoints.  I have tested with Snom phones and linphone soft phone with the same result.

I get an outbound call to the first (from) end point, I answer the phone…  and then nothing obvious happens.

I can get this same result when using kamcmd or from within the kamailio.cfg.  For example using kamcmd:

kamcmd dlg.bridge_dlg sip:105@mykamailioip sip:106@mykamailioip sip:mykamailioip:5060

I expected this to send an invite from "controller" via my KamailioIP to my registered local subscriber 105 (from), and then send a re-invite to 105 so that 105 creates a call leg to 106 (to).

The kamailio.cfg is pretty much the default.  I am running 4.2 and rtpengine to proxy the RTP streams. 

Not sure if it is necessary or useful but I call setflag() at the start of the request_route() to set the Dialog flag.  What else should I have included in the kamailio.cfg to make this work?

Also is there any way to control the SDP in the initial invite from dlg_bridge.  By default I see RTP/AVP, with alaw and ulaw…. I’d like to offer RTP/SAVP swell or instead of RTP/AVP.
